Sunday, October 23, 2016

Media Critique

While browsing through WLKY's website, I came across this:

There are many thing wrong with this, and it is barely even an article because it is just a small bit of information paired with a picture. 
   This article is not newsworthy because the outcome of this "The Price is Right" show will only matter to the winners, and the die-hard fans of the show, which are few and far between. There will be no long term impact because this event. Not in the show, and definitely not in the real world. 
   So why would anyone write this? It is not a hook to put at the end of a broadcast, because this is online and there is no need for an article to keep people engaged. This article also does not elicit a strong emotion or any significant feeling. 
   One reason that this could have been written is for ad revenue. One can assume from the vauge title and lack of content in the article that this was made specifically for click-bait purposes.
   To conclude, This article is unprofessional, uninformative, and not worthy of the news.

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